With Jupiter - Multi-Purpose Responsive Theme you will be create a wordpress website easy. Click and drag. I'll hold the Shift key. We're going to create a star that's about 80 pixels by 80 pixels. We want to create all of these icons at 80 by 80. So with this star drawn, let's come up here to the Zoom tool.In this post, we're going to set up the new website with Jupiter - Multi-Purpose Responsive Theme theme, This theme including alot of demo. This theme is a perfect solution for all kinds of businesses from corporations, shop owners and small businesses to startups, artists and bloggers. Jupiter WordPress Theme v5.0.11 Developed by an elite author, Artbees currently boasting over 30,000 sales. I always like to start with the metadata to make my freshly downloaded version of underscores truly my own. Now you'll remember when we first created this new custom theme from Jupiter - Multi-Purpose Responsive Theme v5.0.11

Now what's also happening here is the thickness, which is tied to the object style here, is being changed to six, which is then reflecting over here in the star, which is using the same styling effect. So I'll come over here and hit Cancel, and then Undo those. So again, if you want to scale the stroke with an object, use the Scale tool at the top. Otherwise, the stroke will maintain its thickness regardless of the size of the rest of the vectors. And now before we move on, let's go over to our Layers panel. Let's keep these organized.
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